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Hutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies

Hutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies

This recipe quest started with a simple, by chance encounter with a historical recipe from a Baltimore department store for their famous cookies, and well, it went from failure to success. My take on Hutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies – real life cooking with Bijouxs.

Always up for a challenge, I often go down a rabbit hole in search of a recipe with a story. When I read a story of real little jewel recipe that has gone by the way of time, I like to get after it. Such is the recipe for Hutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies. So much that I have read about the store reminds me of our Pasadena classic the Bullock’s Tea Room. Fond memorties of getting dressed up and going to tea in the legendary restaurant..


Hutzler’s Department Store was in Baltimore for 132 years. It was a true department store, complete with restaurants, tea room and bakery. I have read that the store closed in the 80’s, but the legend of their Potato Chip Cookies remained. There are many iterations of the recipe out there. I baked, what appeared to be the original recipe from a former employee. Well, it was off by quite a bit, too much butter and not enough flour made a spreading butter laden mess. (I had added chocolate, which I still think might be a nice addition) Witness a flop.

Hutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies

Hutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies


Onward, I knew that the ingredients were correct, however the ratios were way off. I persisted and found what I think from my research, is very close to the original cookie. Unless there is someone still out there who tasted the cookies, I can’t be sure. Original or not these are good. A crispy cookie with a crunchy sugar crust, and the surprise of the potato chips works to satisfy that salty-sweet craving.

Hutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies

Hutzler’s Potato Chip CookiesHutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies



Here at Bijouxs I really do treasure little jewel recipes, many are from a by gone era, and they are fun to bring back to life. I love these I posted- Classic Raised Waffles, Baked Potatoes à la Garbo, MFK Fisher’s Gaspacho Soup, Southern Biscuits, and our family Farmhouse Chicken & Dumplings from the 1800’s.

I am however not stuck in the past, or tied to one genre of recipe. Here at Bijouxs Little Jewels from the Kitchen I deliver all kinds of recipes, sampling a wide range of foods from around the world. All my personal favorties, many from my travels. Happy Holidays from Bijouxs Little Jewels from the Kitchen.

As always, enjoy. B

2 thoughts on “Hutzler’s Potato Chip Cookies

  1. I ate a lot @ all Hutzler’s restaurants but never heard of these cookies.
    I wonder which restaurant served them or if they were only 4 sale in the bakery.

    I am looking 4 Hochschild Kohn’’s chow mein recipe, served in the basement level restaurant in the downtown store. It was the best

    1. Hello Irene,

      This is so cool that you ate at Hutsler’s Dept Store! I guess that the cookies were sold in their bakery. When I saw a post about them, I had to try to recreate them, I think this recipe is close to the pictures of the cookies.

      Let me know if you find the chow mien recipe from Hothchild Kohn’s store. These department stores were a one stop adventure.

      Thank you for being a part of Bijouxs,

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