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Martha’s Bottom-Crust Apple Pie

Martha’s Bottom-Crust Apple Pie | Bijouxs Little Jewels

The All-American Apple pie, with a just a bit of a flavor twist. This pie is an old-fashioned Bottom-Crust Apple Pie I have been making for years, but the apples are flavored with a Winter Spice Blend. The cinnamon, allspice, anise seeds, black pepper and nutmeg create a one-of-a-kind spice blend that complements the apples. A Little Jewel from the Bijouxs Little Jewels Kitchen – Fall Forward.

Martha’s Bottom-Crust Apple Pie | Bijouxs Little Jewels


I always think of the Beatles song, Martha My Dear, which was composed for Paul’s sheepdog Martha. This recipe comes from a heritage cook from my vast collection, Martha Stewart’s Quick Cook, still a favorite in the Bijouxs Kitchen. There are many great recipes and you can still find used versions of this book on Amazon. This has worked to help me find many out-of-print cookbooks, many times available through thrift shops such as Goodwill.


This pie recipe is not common, yet omitting the top crust and replacing it with sugar, spices and butter it really allows the apple flavor to come through. Deeper than a tart it has been my go-to apple pie to make with my yearly bounty of over 100+ Anna Apples on my tree again this year. This apple tree variety really likes the coastal influence vs the hot interior valley. Yet, the Anna variety grows fabulous in Southern California, and bears a boatload of fruit. Check your local garden stores, this is one apple variety that bears fruit in warm California weather. More about Anna Apple Trees here.

Martha’s Bottom-Crust Apple Pie | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Martha’s Bottom-Crust Apple Pie | Bijouxs Little Jewels


The Winter Spice Blend originated at March SF. This is one of my favorite stores to visit when in the beautiful city by the bay. As we all know, cities have changed since the downturn from COVID and other factors. The images from our cities are not dissimilar to the Great Depression, so sad for everyone. Their Winter Spice Blend contained allspice, anise seed, black pepper and nutmeg it remains a favorite, yet it is no longer available via the store.

So, I have tried here to recreate the blend to season this apple pie. The spice blend has a unique peppery finish. It is perfect for fall cooking, so make up a batch. Using a small coffee grinder dedicated to spices makes creating your own spice bends easy, as well, pie. Little Jewel No. 549 in the Recipe Collection.


As always, enjoy. B

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