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Roasted Asparagus with Feta & Hazelnuts

Roasted Asparagus with Feta & Hazelnuts |Bijouxs Little Jewels

Spring produce just keeps appearing at the farmers market. I really don’t think I can turn down fresh asparagus. Roasted Asparagus with Feta & Hazelnuts is a new taste I have savored this season. 


Roasting vegetables on a sheet pan at a high heat is a sure fire method to savor fresh vegetables of all kinds. The method for most vegetables, is basically the same. Place vegetables a baking sheet pan, toss with olive oil and desired spices and roast until crispy, anywhere from 10-20 minutes depending on the type of vegetables. Whole small carrots take longer than delicate spears of baby broccoli. Place produce in groups on the baking sheet and remove each variety when crispy and brown. There really is no right or wrong on this one, so relax, you got this.

Roasted Asparagus with Feta & Hazelnuts | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Roasted Asparagus with Feta & Hazelnuts | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Roasted Asparagus with Feta & Hazelnuts | Bijouxs Little Jewels



One of my favorite cooking books is “An Everlasting Meal” by Tamar Adler. I have mentioned it on the blog, and still turn to her book for fresh and simple ideas, that seem to slip my mind, lost in all the new cooking crazes.  As always, I return to the basics.

Batch roasting your vegetables for the week ensures a variety of ready-to-go vegetables to add to salads, add to broth to create a simple soup, or add to eggs in a frittata. Limitless options. No need for complicated seasoning just roast the vegetables with a little olive oil and add sauces etc. and needed per the recipe.

I store each different vegetable in large glass jars, this keeps contents in clear view in refrigerator (For more details sign up for my recipe newsletter at top of the blog.) I also find that I have less produce waste, making sure all my produce gets used in time. A trip to the Farmers Market on Saturday before work, then Sunday roast up the vegetables and store for the week, that’s my simple method.


No. 4 Beautiful Food By Design | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Yes, No. 4 Beautiful Food by Design is still in the works. The shut down of the last year has not been favorable for staying motivated and the ability to procure ingredients needed to prepare the recipes for the book. I’m getting closer and optimistic this year the book will be complete. You can check out my other 3 cookbooks books in the SHOP.

Wishing you all love and luck.


As always, enjoy. B

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