No. 393Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Oven Charred Miso Asparagus & Bok Choy

Oven Charred Miso Asparagus & Bok Choy

Everyday beauty in the kitchen and simple meals, are the heart of the Bijouxs Little Jewels Kitchen. Oven Charred Miso Asparagus & Bok Choy, is a perfect Table for One.


Roasting vegetables in the oven is a great technique to prep food for packed lunches and quick meals. I shared about batch roasting on the recipe for Autumn Roasted Vegetable Salad. Sheet pan meals are very popular, and roasting off a big collection of vegetables on the weekend ensures a varied weekly selection. I pack them for lunch with a side of steamed rice or grain of your choice. Simple.

Oven Charred Miso Asparagus & Bok Choy

Oven Charred Miso Asparagus & Bok Choy

Oven Charred Miso Asparagus & Bok Choy


Bijouxs Little Jewels from the Kitchen debuted in 2010 with my Perfect Summer Pasta recipe. Now on recipe No. 393, I can review my work with a level of satisfaction. I have kept going in the face of many changes, that’s just the way life is. I have created two cookbooks, available in print and digital version, all on my own using the skills acquired through design work. It is the thing that keeps me going as a designer and cook, growing and moving forward.


I have shared about the everyday beauty all around us in the kitchen, which I strive to capture in my photography. Real food for the home cook. No tricks, this is real cooking. With almost 10 years passing, I am updating the website, keeping my clean modern look, free of annoying pop-ups and ads. I want Bijouxs to be a peaceful website you can visit to find easy but always delicious recipes.

My thanks to my loyal followers who have stayed with me, even when things got rough and it was a long time between posts. 

As always, enjoy. B

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