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Overnight Oats with Turmeric & Chia

Overnight Oats with Turmeric & Chia |Bijouxs Little Jewels

Overnight oats, yes, I am patient for breakfast. I have multiple favorite overnight oat recipes here on the blog, but there is always room for one more. This recipe is inspired from the wonderful Cafe Gratitude. Yes, you can take the girl out of LA but not LA out of the girl-a little jewel recipe from my home town.


So grateful that Cafe Gratitude has a cookbook and shares the wonderful recipes for us no longer living in LA. Whenever I visit home I always check in at plant-based eateries, there is always something new to try and learn, innovative cuisine. Cafe Gratitude delivers.

Cooking from the books these days, simple confinement cooking. This recipe “I am Patient” is an overnight oat recipe with modern flavor profile. Turmeric, ginger and chia seeds add the the bowl’s colorful mix. We are all eating more turmeric and ginger for health, but the almond-date milk you soak the oats in is the key. Blended with dates, the almond milk becomes slightly sweet and rich.

Overnight Oats with Turmeric & Chia | Bijouxs Little Jewels

The recipe is flexible, use spices or add nuts as you like. Adjust the consistency of the oats to suit your preference by adding a bit more almond milk before serving. Of course, espresso is called for.

A time to be grateful. Be well.


As always, enjoy. B

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