Freshly made jam spread on a warm crispy croissant flanked by an espresso is an Italian way to greet La matina, in Italian ‘the morning.’ Anytime of day we can carve out for ourselves, quiet intention, even better when accompanied by this lovely, simple jewel recipe Morello Cherry Jam.
Tart “pie” cherries have become a bit of a rarity here in Southern California. I used to be able to find them at Farmer’s Markets for my Grandmother Mary’s Cherry Pie. Now I have begun using the tart Morello Cherries lightly sweetened jarred variety in their place in this Simple Cherry Tart and Cherry Clafoutis with Cherry Balsamic Glaze.
Morello Cherry Jam (Marmellata Di Ciligie Marasche) is a Tuscan classic inspired by the book Honey from a Weed, Fasting and Feasting in Tuscany by Patience Gray. If you are not yet familiar with Patience Gray, check her out. Her first cookbook Plats du Jour from 1957 caused a worldwide stir for its unique style and recipes. Her recipes are classical, bringing forward cooking techniques and ingredients long forgotten. The simple, basic cooking methods are based on using whole foods, which makes them a perfect fit for todays cooks. What’s old is new.
I usually make these quick jams in small batches, savoring the smell of fruit that drifts about the house as they simmer. Most of each jar is used within the week, for breakfast with a croissant, stirred into yogurt, or to make a decadent cherry and almond butter sandwich, my favorite. There is no pectin in this jam, used ‘in contempt’ as you cannot taste the fruit in a jelled jam.
Please enjoy this simple Morello Cherry Jam from Bijouxs Little Jewel from the Kitchen.