Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!! Sharing a little jewel recipe that works in perfectly to the ‘last minute’ holiday baking scenario – my Grandmother’s simple cookie that never seems to make it out of the house -Russian Tea Cakes – a little jewel for the 2016 holidays.
These buttery little gems go by a lot of names – everyone seems to make a buttery nut-studded cookie doused in powdered sugar – what’s not to love? The cookies have but a few ingredients and are fun to bake with family members. I baked them with my Grandmother every year, with many ‘disappearing’ before they made the serving plate.
I make a double batch, bag them up in cello bags with by signature tags, and have them at the ready when guests drop by – nothing like a holiday visit ending with a sweet bag of cookies.
Wishing everyone a peaceful and merry holiday season. Thankful and so blessed!
As always, enjoy. B