Cooking three delicious meals a day – the restaurant cook and the home cook have much the same calling. Restaurant Salmon with Basil Sauce employs the simple pan-to-oven cooking method yielding moist fish served with a simple sauce right with ingredients fresh from the home garden. Voila, another little jewel from the Bijouxs kitchen. Continue reading Restaurant Salmon with Basil Sauce
Category: Fish
Pan Seared Fish with Chermoula Sauce
Join Bijouxs in the kitchen on the road to Morocco, paved with brilliant colors and exotic spices. Chermoula Sauce, a North African sauce that is brilliantly red with spices and herbs, and made-in-a-minute to spice up the everyday, a little piece of jewelry for the kitchen.
Filet of Sole with Brown Butter & Lemon

On the patio in the waning afternoon light, still with a residue of summer warmth yet hints of fall, it is the perfect time for a weekend fish fry. Tonight, Filet of Sole with Brown Butter & Lemon accompanied by the final taste of sweet summer with Creamed Corn Salad. A Bijouxs Basics, a little jewel from home. Continue reading Filet of Sole with Brown Butter & Lemon