New Year’s resolution = eat more veggies! Try a twist on the old favorite veggies and dip. Roasted Cauliflower with Chèvre Dressing, a new little jewel for New Year.
It’s a New Year, but some things stay the same…what’s old is new. Yes, good old cauliflower has been having it’s food moment. Does kale have anything to worry about?
Cauliflower has long been used a stand-in for potatoes and rice in low carb diets.I thought I would rework an old favorite from my personal chef days, creamy cauliflower with chèvre (goat cheese). Roasting cauliflower adds a dimension of flavor and with a chèvre dressing to serve alongside, it becomes a homage to those classic veggie & dip days.
Look for these darling little heads of cauliflower in the markets, or select one medium size cauliflower (about 2 pounds) to roast. During the first half of the roast, the cauliflower is covered, baked just until fork-tender; test with a small paring knife. The roast is then completed uncovered, to ensure a crispy brown crust.
The dip is a simple dressing of fresh chèvre, but you can substitute your own favorite creamy cheese dressing, such as blue cheese etc.; cauliflower is quite an amenable vegetable.
What’s old is new…here’s to enjoying your vegetables in 2014!
As always, enjoy. B