Back to the basics here in the Bijouxs Kitchen these days. Basic food made with healthful ingredients is at the top of my cooking list. One of my on-hand basics are compound butters–they glam up the most humble of dishes, little jewels from the kitchen. Bijouxs Basics: Everything Butter.
Compound butter, so easy to make and you can use it in hundreds of ways. This compound butter plays off the classic combo of shallots, garlic and parsley. I call this Everything Butter because is works well with almost any simple savory dish. Think fish, chicken, seafood, steak, bread or like I did here, top a simple omelette with the buttery green goodness. Adjust recipe to your taste. Change the parsley to tarragon, or leave out the shallots and use green onion. Get creative. Also, think about creating sweet compound butters that can include cinnamon, sugar, ginger… away you go.
I strive to have compound butters hanging around the freezer at all times, they are of infinite use in the kitchen. I also love Café de Paris Butter, which I posted way back in the beginning of the blog’s early days, be sure to check out the recipe.
Now more than any time, the basics are a comfort in the kitchen. Basic is not boring, and there are so many ways to use the basics. Compound butters are one of the pantry (freezer) basics you will want to have at the ready for the holiday season, little jewels from the kitchen.
As always, enjoy. B