I’m so pleased to invite you into our new, lovely home at Bijouxs.com! The Bijouxs Kitchen|Studio has been buzzing with activity the last few months putting together a beautiful, updated website to share our Little Jewel Collection of recipes. Come on in!
First, is our new Home page–images of everyday beauty to greet you, along with a new selection of our Seasonal Favorites from the Collection. Our Blog and Recipes pages continue to provide you news, plus our handy little pop-up recipe card, of course!
Next, two super exciting new features–our Cookbook and Shop! Yay, the first digital Cookbook, Family & Friends is now for sale online! (More about the new book in next post) Plus, a peek into our upcoming cookbooks. We have a set up a pretty little Shop to purchase and download the cookbook.
I’m really thrilled with the design of new site and I hope you all love it too! A huge thank you goes to the team at Hi Design! They have been with Bijouxs from the very start and continue to create beautiful designs, tailored to the vision and the Bijouxs brand-big hugs!
And a big thank you to all the Bijouxs readers for your kindness and support as I have worked for the past 3 years to bring the Little Jewels Recipe Collection forward. I hope you enjoy the new site and the new cookbook. Here’s to a wonderful 2014 and more everyday beauty from the Bijouxs Kitchen.
Photograph: Shannon Cottrell