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Lucques Braised Short Ribs

Lucques Braised Short Ribs | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Memories of Sunday Suppers at Lucques bring a favorite recipe from the beloved restaurant, Lucques Braised Short Ribs–another Little Jewel from the Collection.


LA had some storied restaurants and Lucques was one of my favorites. Lucques opened in 1998 and sadly it shuttered on May 6, 2020, my birthday. The Sunday Suppers were legendary, I still have a menu from a 2009 Sunday Supper. A group of friends and I dined and savored the dinner. Truly a fabulous place. Thankfully, Suzanne Goin published a cookbook that contains recipes from the restaurant.


There are so many recipes, I cannot call out just one. Here is a favorite, a very popular menu item, Lucques Braised Beef Short Ribs, they had remained a permeant fixture on the menu.


I have been making this since day one of purchasing the cookbook. It takes a bit of planning but is such a satisfying dish.  I have jiggled with the recipe a bit. Seared short ribs are braised in a broth with wine, balsamic vinegar and baby pearl onions. The ribs are fall-apart tender. I love serving them with Celery Root Purée that I serve with my Lamb Shanks with Garlic Confit. Below is a menu from a Fall Harvest Menu for 6 Cheers!


Cheese & Charcuterie Board

Green Salad Vinaigrette
Sauvignon blanc

Braised Beef Short Ribs with Celery Root Puree
Cabernet Red

Apple Crisp
Bourbon Whip Cream


No. 547Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Instant Pot Canyon Bistro French Onion Soup

Instant Pot Canyon Bistro French Onion Soup | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Classic French Onion Soup is a perfect candidate for the Instant Pot. The actual soup cooking time is only 5 minutes in the Instant Pot, but the real key is the caramelization of the onions, don’t skip and don’t rush this for a completely authentic French Onion Soup, which is a true little jewel.


For years I have used Julia Child’s classic recipe for French Onion Soup from Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Many times over, with diversions to try other recipes over the years. One diversion was the Canyon Bistro’s French Onion Soup. I sampled the soup at the restaurant back in my LA-life days. The classic white lion’s head bowl was served bubbling and dripping with melted with cheese, really what is not to love?

Perched up at the top of Topanga Canyon, between Malibu and the Palisades, it was a destination restaurant for me.

Instant Pot Canyon Bistro French Onion Soup | Bijouxs Little Jewels


I discovered a reprint of the restaurant recipe online, and I could see what I tasted that had made the soup different. A touch of garlic and ground thyme are both part of the recipe. Ground thyme has NOT been one of my on hand spices, but I now see the value of the ground version of the spice. When added to the soup. it imparts a herbal note, without adding any leaves to the soup. I tried grinding my own, but it was not fine enough. Ground Thyme, what a cooking revelation.


One important step that cannot be rushed is the caramelization of the onions. The ’sauté’ mode of the Instant Pot works perfectly. It defaults to 30 minutes which is exactly the time it takes to render the onions a dark golden brown. Covering the pot with a tempered glass cover at the beginning of the process softens the onions. Uncover, then it’s on to browning, stirring every couple of minutes. Stay focused on this step and you will be rewarded with golden brown onions, ready for soup.


The first step after browning the onions is to deglaze the pan with the vermouth, scraping to loosen all the brown bits for the soup. 

Next steps are quick and simple, add the broth, Worcestershire, ground thyme, and white pepper.

Set the pressure lid to ‘seal’ and set pressure cook on high for 5 minutes. It takes a few minutes to come to pressure, then the 5 minute timer will start.  At the end of cooking allow the pressure to release naturally, about 15 minutes. Move the valve to ‘venting’ to check for any remaining steam. 


Preheat the broiler. To serve, ladle hot soup into oven proof bowls leaving about 1/2” from the top. Add 2 slices of toasted baguette and a 2-3 thick slices of Gruyere cheese to each bowl. Place bowls on a sheet pan, broil for about 5 minutes or until the cheese is bubbly and running down the sides of the bowls.

Instant Pot Canyon Bistro French Onion Soup | Bijouxs Litle Jewels

Carefully remove from the broiler and allow soup to set for a few minutes before serving. It is nice to present the soup bowl on a plate to catch the running cheese.

French Onion Soup, another little jewel from the Bijouxs Kitchen.


No. 543Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Via Carota Burger

Via Carota Burger | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Simplicity, a burger with no bun, no ketchup, not bit of distraction. A taste from my childhood, via the upscale NYC Via Carota Burger, truly a little jewel.


Culinary fads come and go, the the Bijouxs remain. This trendy burger is really from my past. To begin, at 5 years old my Grandmother would get a cast iron skillet scorching hot and fry up a simple burger that created a very crispy crust. Because I was a very discerning eater even at 5, I loved my burger plain with lots of salt and pepper.

Fast forward. Living the Hollowood life as a young wife we frequented Ma Maison, and the first appearance of 22 year old Chef Wolfgang Puck. Of course when his cookboook, Wolfgand Puck’s Modern French Cooking for the American Kitchen was published I began cooking from the book. One we loved for dinner was Ground Steak with Roquefort Cheese and Green Peppercorn Sauce, still a winner with the stained pages from the many times I have made this recipe. It is from his first cookbook, prior to Chef stardom, Wolfgang Puck’s Modern French Cooking for the American Kitchen, order original used from Amazon.


Acoss the country one of the best Italian NYC restaurants, Via Carota, serves the Carota Svizzerina. This is hand-chopped grassfed steak, served just how I love it, seared on a flat-top (aka my Grandmother’s cast iron skillet) and served naked on the plate, lightly seasoned with garlic and rosemary, perfect.

Via Carota Burger Bijouxs Little Jewels

Via Carota Burger | Bijouxs Little Jewels


The recipe name is from the chef’s mom in Tuscany where, they used to serve these “plain” ground burgers as a way to get children to eat meat, no bun no ketchup, please. Served seared on the outside and very rare on the inside and topped garlic cloves and rosemary cooked in olive oil. A key to the recipe is to hand-chop a New York strip steak (or lightly chop in a food processor) the meat, so it is still chunky and served seared and rare on the inside. 

Via Catora Burger simplicity, a true Little Jewel.