Tea for Today Scones are current, light as a feather and served up in proper modern style. Anytime really is tea time, beautiful food from Bijouxs by Design. Continue reading Tea for Today Scones
Category: Events
Roasted Grapes & Goat Cheese with Lavender Honey
Summer seasonal cooking is in full swing with Autumn just around the corner. This simply beautiful little jewel appetizer, Roasted Grapes with Goat Cheese & Honey, transitions easily into the seasons.
Continue reading Roasted Grapes & Goat Cheese with Lavender Honey
From The Garden Cookbook is here!
Mirabile dictu! It truly is wonderful to say that my second digital cookbook From the Garden is here, in the SHOP and ready for download today! Continue reading From The Garden Cookbook is here!
Chocolate Chunk Pie
Who wouldn’t love a chunky chocolate pie that tastes like your favorite cookie? Chocolate Chunk Pie is family-friendly, an easy bake that welcomes kids in the kitchen to help celebrate any special day. Continue reading Chocolate Chunk Pie
Bijouxs New Newsletter is here!
It’s here! Yay! The beautiful new Bijouxs Newsletter is here, with out further ado.
A labor of love, a bit behind schedule I am, but here it is! I’m so happy to be back to getting Bijouxs out to all of you, and hope to be cooking soon!!!
First, I want to thank Kendra ad her team, at Hi Design for the lovely, lovely rendition of my new newsletter – just perfect! The newsletter will come to you quarterly, with a featured post plus a season selection of favorite recipes for you to sample – all the little jewels delivered to your inbox.
Second, after a long absence, and a BIG move back to my home of Los Angeles, things are starting to come together!
I want to personally thank all of you for your continued support!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
PS Sign up for the newsletter at sign up box on Blog and Recipes pages.