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Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad

Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Raw salads are high on my list of favorite salads. Here’s my take on a raw asparagus salad that makes the most of Spring.


Chopped salads are a classic in the culinary world. Think of the all-time classic the La Scala Chopped Salad. I used to swing by the La Scala Boutique, and grab the famous chopped salad after visiting the design center. Almost any salad can become a chopped salad. I frequently chop my salads for ease of eating. I loved the Raw Asparagus Salad with Breadcrumbs, Walnuts, and Mint from Joseph McFadden, A New Way with Vegetables. Beautiful. Every chef sees different things in every recipe. I saw a chance to turn this into a chopped salad, call me crazy. This salad is anchored by the very small and thin slices of raw asparagus. Toasted walnuts and bread crumbs add some crunch along with fresh mint leaves.

Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels



Lemon is the key addition to the salad, as both fresh juice and preserved lemon paste. When combined in the salad along with the olive oil, a bright somewhat acidic dressing is created. It adds the punch to the salad to counter the bread crumbs and walnuts. Start small when adding the lemon paste, it can be quite strong for some. I like to make my own Preserved Lemon Spread using some of my on hand preserved lemons always in the fridge. (see recipe)

Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels


Every chance I get I add another Spring salad to the Collection. Current favorites are Farmer’s Market Sunny Salad, Victory Garden Salad, Yoga Pants Salad, On-Hand Panzanella and my Market Basket Summer Salad for just a few. Please enjoy these and of course the Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad  No. 544 from the Membership Collection.


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Pasta al Limone

Pasta al Limone | Bijouxs Little Jewels

A simple weeknight Italian pasta for just a couple of people-Pasta al Limone, another Little Jewel from the Kitchen.


Italian genius, just a few on-hand ingredients create  a quiet plate of pasta for two. I love simple Italian cuisine and Pasta al Limone is a prime example of rustic, simple food.
There is nothing to learn, just create a simple lemon sauce and toss with hot pasta-done!

No special equipment required, basic kitchen equipment will do. One medium sauce pan, my favorite here,  is all that is required is to make the simple sauce  along with a pot to boil the water for the pasta. The ingredients are simple as well, lemons, Pecorino Romano cheese, olive oil, a knob of butter and pasta, that’s it.

Pasta al Limone | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Pasta al Limone | Bijouxs Little Jewels


It’s no secret at Bijouxs I display my love of all things citrus and also the back story. Oranges and lemons were a big part of my growing up and the smell and taste is etched in my memory. Currently I have a large orange tree, but I am wanting to plant a lemon, oh, could I find an Amalfi Lemon tree to plant?? There are a plethora of lemon recipes (well, over 20 to be exact) on my Bijouxs website, the all time winner is this one, which still gets lot of views.


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Green Olive, Celery & Parsley Salad

 Green Olive, Celery & Parsley Salad |Bijouxs Little Jewels

Today I share a fresh winter salad that brings together bright lemon, crispy celery, buttery olives & fresh Italian parsley all winter produce available–No. 534 Green Olive, Celery & Parsley Salad a recipe for the Membership Cookbook Collection.


We all crave the warm sunny days of Summer, but we have to get through Winter first, then Spring can open the door. Salads are a great way to keep freshness and brightness in the dark days of winter. There are many salads in the Membership Cookbook Collection to choose from with the convenient search “salads”.


I love pantry recipes, they make life in the kitchen easier. This salad/condiment makes use of many on-hand ingredients in your pantry. I always keep jars of olives handy and the green Castelvetrano olives from Sicily are a favorite. They have a rich buttery taste, easily available in the supers. Celery is always on hand for snacks. Italian parsley, easy to find and even easier to grow, I have a bumper crop!

I have always loved the books from the Canal House Series, I think I have them all. The food style and photography feels much like my own. Simple beautiful food for the home cook. The Pronto Cooking is a favorite. Simple recipes to love and where I adapted this recipe. The orginal recipe calls for fennel, but my on-hand peeled celery delivered the same crunch.

Green Olive, Celery & Parsley Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels


Late November is the start of citrus season along the Cali coast. Here in California we really do mark our calendars for the citrus to arrive. This salad uses the pulp of the lemon to create the bright fresh dressing for the salad. Seedless lemons, found at Trader Joes, are perfect, they made is so easy supreme the sections used for the dressing. Supreme means removing the bitter peel and pith and removing the membranes around each segment so the juicy flesh is exposed. It’s often seen when citrus is added to fruit salads or used as a garnish.

Green Olive, Celery & Parsley Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels


Green Olive, Celery & Parsley Salad of course makes a light side salad along any main course and a great topper for grilled fish. Some other ideas to for the salad include tossing with noodles or pasta for a on-the-go lunch salad or top your avocado toast for a change.
Small plate salads on hand are always a treat served alongside almost any meal. I like to keep a variety of small plate salads on the ready to serve with cocktails, as an appetizer or a meal side option.


Green Olive, Celery & Parsley Salad, another little jewel added to the growing Recipe Membership Cookbook.