No. 256Recipe Card Posted on 1 Comment

Chicken alla Cacciatora

Chicken alla Cacciatora | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Big Night cooking…it’s all about the sauce. Chicken alla Cacciatora, yes, an old school classic, a simple, family-style way with a chicken. Bijouxs la dolce vita!

One of my favorite food movies is “Big Night” and I can’t help but think of it whenever I cook a family favorite, Chicken alla Cacciatora (chicken in honor of the hunter’s wife). Leave it to the Italians to create the most fabulously simple food and this recipe is no exception. What you will need is a chicken, an onion, garlic, a can of tomatoes and oh, yes of course a bit of white wine. Result? A tender stew with fall-off-the-bone chicken, plus a healthy serving of sauce to embellish rice or pasta. Simple right?

Cooking from the heart and memory is a joy. You might have grown up with a version of the dish too. This is a flexible recipe, that is, I adjust the oil needed based on the size of onion, adjust garlic to taste, etc. The technique works with other meats as well to create a substantial sauce for Sunday night. With only a 45-minute stovetop stew, a budget chicken becomes a memorable, family-style meal, sending off an aroma throughout the house that just begs the pot to be opened and tasted.

I serve Chicken alla Cacciatora family style on a large platter, extra sauce on the side, and a bowl of fluffy white rice with fresh parsley. Of course, this dish is even better reheated the next day, if you can wait.

Wishing you a big night from the Bijouxs.

No. 133Recipe Card Posted on 6 Comments

Pan Seared Fish with Chermoula Sauce

Join Bijouxs in the kitchen on the road to Morocco, paved with brilliant colors and exotic spices. Chermoula Sauce, a North African sauce that is brilliantly red with spices and herbs, and made-in-a-minute to spice up the everyday, a little piece of jewelry for the kitchen.

No. 83Recipe Card Posted on 4 Comments

Pears Poached in Wine

Fall back on the basics. The fall season brings forth a wealth of richly hued produce that reflects the warmth of the season. Dainty Anjou pears, with their coppery-red skins, attract the fall produce shopper – a Bijouxs Basics awaits – Pears Poached in Wine, sweetly spiced and tender, a simple little jewel of a dessert to fall count on. Continue reading Pears Poached in Wine