No. 520Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Crispy Baked Shrimp

Crispy Baked Shrimp | Bijouxs Little Jewels

A take on the retro friend ‘Shake’n Bake’ seasoning goes grain-free and gets amped up with spices–bake up some Crispy Baked Shrimp more Little Jewels from the Kitchen.


Bake don’t fry, let’s keep this recipe easy and healthy. No need to fry these shrimp, they are perfectly crispy baked in the oven with a savory crunchy coating. You could fry these shrimp, but why?

As you can see, a sheet pan works perfect to bake the shrimp to a crispy golden brown.

Crispy Baked Shrimp | Bijouxs Little Jewels


Don’t skimp on the shrimp. Jumbo or Large shrimp tail on are optimal for this recipe. Source your shrimp from your local fish monger where you can ensure the shrimp is fresh and from a sustainable source. 

It’s nice to keep the tail on to hold while you dip the shrimp in your favorite seafood sauce. 

Crispy Baked Shrimp | Bijouxs Little Jewels


No need to make your own cocktail sauce. I use a good organic brand and doctor it up with a little Old Bay Seasoning, just the kick a bottled sauce will need.

No. 520 Baked Crispy Shrimp recipes from the Collection Membership. Join for all-access to my 520 recipes. Thank you for your support!

No. 519Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Grilled Chicken With Parsley & Olive Salsa

Grilled Chicken With Parsley & Olive Salsa | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Extra-crispy grilled chicken thighs are bathed in a lush Parsley & Olive Salsa, rich with olives, fresh chili and lemon-another Little Jewel from the Bijouxs Kitchen.


The real key to this recipe is cooking the chicken until the skin really crispy and brown, this helps the chicken hold up to this rich salsa.

 Grilled Chicken With Parsley & Olive Salsa | Bijouxs Little Jewels


The definition for salsa is “A spicy sauce of chopped, usually uncooked vegetables or fruit, especially tomatoes, onions, and chili peppers, used as a condiment”. That seems to ring true for this lively sauce. I saw the sauce here and wanted to try it, but of course you need to be a member to see the recipes, it’s that way all over-no more free online. In fact, I too had to move to a Membership Collection for my 500+ recipes, the website costs have really sky-rocked.


This is such a great start to the New Year, cleaning out the refrigerator/freezer! A no waste tactic to use what I already have on hand-a lesson from my favorite book “An Everlasting Meal” by Tamar Parker. I use her wonderful way with on-hand vegetables, as in my Autumn Roasted Vegetable Salad Recipe No. 245. Worth a look.


For this recipe I reworked my favorite raw olive sauce recipe, and my FIRST ever post on the website, Summer Tomato Sauce which I still use on regular meal rotation. I created this current sauce as close to the one I wanted. The jalapeño is what keeps this in the spicy salsa family!


 Grilled Chicken With Parsley & Olive Salsa |Bijouxs Little Jewels

Crispy chicken is bathed in the Parsley & Olive Salsa and served family style on a platter. I add to this with a simple green salad and a scoop of chocolate gelato for dessert. Simple.

Beautiful Food by Design from the Bijouxs Kitchen. I invite you to sign up for the Collection Membership and don’t forget to sign up for the Bijouxs Recipe Newsletter Link at Sidebar-never miss a Little Jewel!



No. 518Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Anyday Buckwheat Scones

Anyday Buckwheat Scones-Bijouxs Little Jewels

It’s simple…bake a batch of Anyday Buckwheat Scones for tea or coffee time. Relaxing is a real Little Jewel, along with recipe No. 518 added to the Membership Collection.


I have my classic scone recipe on the website, but I take the path less traveled by including buckwheat flour. Buckwheat, in addition to creating a rustic brown scone, has a nutty-like flavor. The cream in the recipe keeps the scones moist.

Anyday Buckwheat Scones | Anyway Buckwheat Scones

Anyday Buckwheat Scones -Bijouxs Little Jewels

If you have not tried Buckwheat flour do. Despite the name, it not a wheat grain so it is naturally gluten free. I love these Buckwheat Pancakes and Chocolate Chunk Buckwheat Cookies, again a way to cook grain and gluten free.

Scones are often shunned for being of being ‘too dry”. True, many of the scones served out are really dry. These classic scones are adapted from the Art of Simple Food by my food hero Alice Waters. It’s the addition of cream to the batter that helps to create a tender scone.

The real key is to enjoy them warm out of the oven. Serve with Devonshire Cream or Raspberry Preserves, or both.

Anyday baking is a Little Jewel.


No. 517Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Zuni Cafe Chicken Salad

Zuni Cafe Chicken Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Yes, this chicken is an amazing recipe and yes, there is a list of directions, BUT that is what makes this NO ordinary roast chicken. Zuni Cafe Chicken – another little jewel recipe from the Collection.


Long ago and far away, in what seems like a dream to me now, trips to San Francisco were frequent. Just an easy jaunt up the coast to the most beautiful city in the US. During those halcyon days, we used to frequent the very hip & ground breaking Zuni Cafe, with head chef Judy Rogers. The visit was NOT complete without ordering the Roasted Chicken & Bread Salad, still on the menu today. This is my take on this classic salad.


There are a number of recipe directions, but not to fear, you can do this. The base of the dish is a simple roasted small chicken, seasoned with fresh herbs, salt and pepper inserted carefully under the skin to hasten the seasoning. The chicken is flipped over during roasting, that is why a small chicken works best.  Remove the chicken from the pan and rest on a platter after removing from the oven.

The roasting pan drippings are separated from the fat. This is where my favorite gravy strainer comes in very handy. The lean drippings go back in the pan adding a tablespoon or so of water and stir.

Using a sharp knife, slash skin of the chicken between the thighs and the breasts. Then place the bird and roasting juice to rest while you make the bread salad, a very important part of this recipe.

Zuni Chicken Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels

The bread salad is created from large torn chunks of crust-free peasant bread, about 4 cups. Toss the bread with olive oil, place on a half sheet pan and broil briefly just to brown edges, then remove from oven. For the dressing, mix the olive oil and vinegar, and salt and pepper to taste. Place the bread in a large bowl, toss 1/4 cup of the dressing and add handfuls of the baby greens. Toss to combine. Next up, in a skillet sauté the currants, pine nuts, garlic and scallions, until just softened. Add to the bread salad and combine.

See, not really so hard once you have the ingredients prepared.

Finally it is time to assemble the salad. Place a layer of baby greens on a large platter. Scatter with the dressed pieces of bread salad. Place warm pieces of chicken on top of the bread salad. Slice the larger pieces of chicken and drizzle all with reserved drippings and remaining vinaigrette. Scatter the pine nuts and currants on top and serve. Classic cuisine is always a Little Jewel.

Other San Francisco Favorites include; Bacon Bloody Mary;  San Francisco Cioppino
