No. 583Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Rigatoni with Rosemary and Pancetta

Rigatoni with Rosemary and Pancetta | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Rigatoni with Rosemary and Pancetta is buttery with just a hint of garlic, fresh rosemary and lighlty dotted with salty pancetta-a simple little jewel pasta for your family weeknight meal from the Membership Collection.


This pasta originally hails from Marcella’s Italian Kitchen cookbook. Rigatoni con il Rosmarino e la Pancetta Affumicata. Back in my early cooking days I studied recipes and books from the best chefs from France and Italy. So many legends were still cooking at the time. Many of the books they wrote, such as this book from Marcella Hazan, are still very important today, containing techiques and recipe backgrounds which you do not find in many of the current glossy cookbooks.

Rigatoni with Rosemary and Pancetta | Bijouxs Little Jewels

To this point, Marcella’s cookbook contains only a handful of small photographs. The classic chefs wrote much more about the cuisine and techniques and I go back to these books in may collection over and over again. There is always something to learn in the world of cuisine.


A word about pancetta. It is a salt cured pork product, usuallly cubed and browned and added to pasta dishes, the most famous is Pasta Carbonara. Pancetta Affumicata called for here is salt-cured and smoked, similar to bacon, although good grocery store pancetta will work fine.

Fresh rosemary and a high quality butter are what make this simple dish a stand out. No need for costly ingredients, much of Italian cooking relies on what was at hand.You will notice the garlic only lightly flavors the pasta, no garlic overload, so this dish can be enjoyed by all ages.

Rigatoni with Rosemary and Pancetta another Little Jewel recipe added to the Membership Collection. Join for all-acces to 500+ recipes, here’s how to join

Thank you for your support!



No. 557Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Cake

Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Cake | Bijouxs Little Jewels

A cake to love-Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Cake, a simple cake for anytime snacking.


Two of my all-time favorites of the summer season join forces to create a cake that will always be appreciated. Living up in the Central Coast citrus and fruits abound. The lemons go rampent this time of year, so many on the trees it’s hard to use them all. My neighbors supply me with even more lemons that I can use so I freeze the juice in ice cubes tray to brighten up the not-so-sunny winter gloom of days to arrive soon.

Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Cake| Bijouxs Little Jewels



The magic of this cake is the whole milk ricotta cheese which adds a dense, creamy texture-the cake will keep for a few days making it a favorite mid-day grab with an espresso.

Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Cake | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Cake | Bijouxs Little Jewels



As I has previosuly reported, my move up the coast has placed me is a new home, with an old wall oven that always burns the edges of everything! I have tried many tactics, nothing left but to pray to replace the oven soon. Your cake will not have  the dark brown crust on the edges, but in case you are destined with an old oven, not to worry the crust does not distract from the tender texture of the cake.

Blueberry Lemon Ricotta Cake | Bijouxs Little Jewels



I finally have completed my 4th cookbook Belle du Jour (beauty of the day). It has over 120 pages, lots of new recipes and has been a labor of love. I produce all parts of the book myself (call me crazy) from recipe preparation, photography, and book design, and publication. I offer the book, like my others, in digtial interactive format and print copy, both will be on my website shop just like my other cookbooks.

My next cookbook is already in my mind. That you for you support!



No. 550Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Grated Romano Cheese

Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Grated Romano Cheese |Bijouxs Little Jewels

Crispy sweet and salty fries what is not to love? Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Grated Romano Cheese another little jewel recipe from the Recipe Membership Collection.


This recipe is adapted from one of my favorite new cookbooks. In my search for all-things plant based I saw incredible burgers from Martin Nortin’s book, Green Burgers.The Zucchini with Grilled Green Onions and Garlic is wonderful. I have cooked the recipe but my burgers do not look at gourgous as the photos in the book. I really respect the author, he photograped and created the book by himself, I know about that gig myself with my cookbooks.


The sides are almost as important as the burgers, after all are not fries required with a burger? I love potatoes, all varieties. In the above mentioned book, I love that the author has provided a generous selection of sides. I have not been doing as much frying lately, so the Bake Sweet Potato Fries caught my eye. These fries are made with Japanese sweet potatoes.

 Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Grated Romano Cheese | Bijouxs Little Jewels

 Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Grated Romano Cheese | Bijouxs Little Jewels


Japanes sweet potatoes vary from our American sweet potatoes. With a red skin, pale interior and fluffy texture the Japanese Murasaki variety are a bit creamier. They can be roasted at high heats, 425-450 degrees F. They work wonderfully for sweet potato oven fries. They can take the heat to develop a brown crust and stay soft. One of the best potatoes for oven sweet potato fries.

 Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Grated Romano Cheese | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Baked Sweet Potato Fries with Grated Romano Cheese Recipe No. 550 from the Recipe Membership.



No. 544Recipe Card Posted on Leave a comment

Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad

Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels

Raw salads are high on my list of favorite salads. Here’s my take on a raw asparagus salad that makes the most of Spring.


Chopped salads are a classic in the culinary world. Think of the all-time classic the La Scala Chopped Salad. I used to swing by the La Scala Boutique, and grab the famous chopped salad after visiting the design center. Almost any salad can become a chopped salad. I frequently chop my salads for ease of eating. I loved the Raw Asparagus Salad with Breadcrumbs, Walnuts, and Mint from Joseph McFadden, A New Way with Vegetables. Beautiful. Every chef sees different things in every recipe. I saw a chance to turn this into a chopped salad, call me crazy. This salad is anchored by the very small and thin slices of raw asparagus. Toasted walnuts and bread crumbs add some crunch along with fresh mint leaves.

Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels



Lemon is the key addition to the salad, as both fresh juice and preserved lemon paste. When combined in the salad along with the olive oil, a bright somewhat acidic dressing is created. It adds the punch to the salad to counter the bread crumbs and walnuts. Start small when adding the lemon paste, it can be quite strong for some. I like to make my own Preserved Lemon Spread using some of my on hand preserved lemons always in the fridge. (see recipe)

Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad | Bijouxs Little Jewels


Every chance I get I add another Spring salad to the Collection. Current favorites are Farmer’s Market Sunny Salad, Victory Garden Salad, Yoga Pants Salad, On-Hand Panzanella and my Market Basket Summer Salad for just a few. Please enjoy these and of course the Raw Asparagus, Walnut, Lemon & Romano Cheese Salad  No. 544 from the Membership Collection.