No. 129Recipe Card Posted on 5 Comments

Summer Tomato Sauce

Back to Bijouxs No. 1! Time to revisit a no-cook summer favorite, perfect Mason jar cuisine – Summer Tomato Sauce – a colorful collection of summer to top pasta, grilled vegetables or bruschetta – the taste of summer made Mason jar simple. Continue reading Summer Tomato Sauce

No. 126Recipe Card Posted on 2 Comments

Heirloom Cobb Salad

The Bijouxs kitchen jewels are classic, yet modern in style, an eclectic collection, always celebrating the everyday beauty all around us, right here in our kitchens. Heirloom beans, an everyday beauty, spun into a classic salad – little kitchen jewels to share. Continue reading Heirloom Cobb Salad

No. 116Recipe Card Posted on 12 Comments

Roasted Tomato Quiche

Quiche, the darling of the 70’s has been making a comeback and it some ways, it never really left. This all-purpose savory tart is flexible, embracing whatever you have on hand in the kitchen, freezes well and likes to travel. Roasted Tomato Quiche features slow roasted tomatoes with garlic and thyme, a creamy custard and a crisp, buttery crust. Of course, there is a simple formula to creating a little jewel of a quiche. Continue reading Roasted Tomato Quiche